Does your business need to be digital, or does it require a fundamental transformation?
Often when a new digital technology appears, it is expected that it is just the transposition of the analog process, such as a copy, to the "digital world". For example, creating text editors on personal computers and creating presentations and spreadsheets was made precisely to match the paper versions. The first sites on Web 1.0 were virtual magazines, a popular media model in the analog universe. In the world of large corporations, Enterprise Resource Planning (or ERP) and Robotic process automation (or RPA) follow this same line of reasoning, having been transposed from manual control and into routine work roles.
The immersion of people and companies in the digital world does not necessarily mean good news. However, solutions created by way of modernization can make the “rudimentary” analog solution difficult. I once came across a project where the digital “solution” would involve exchanging a simple sheet of paper for a 50kg server box. Copying and pasting to the digital world can bring severe problems in the business world, which is even more worrying when the actors of this transformation are immersed in environments of overcharged for short term, quick results, and zero errors.
Technology, however, has been evolving exponentially as it creates new possibilities for transformation, optimization, evolution, and even the extinction of old processes. In a highly complex environment, where technology is no longer the limiting factor, design approaches become a powerful driver to help companies achieve effective results.
Pedro Gomide