Patterns of Digitization
The digitization of companies represents an opportunity for them to become more competitive in the market, more efficient in data analysis and more intelligent in the way they relate with customers. Many companies prefer to take a “wait and see” attitude while others are at the forefront of digitization. However, history has already shown that as new disruptive business models emerge, companies have to adapt quickly to remain competitive.
Mugge et al. (2020) present six key themes that constitute a practical guide to conduct organizations on the path towards digitization:
Align your resources, both financial and human, with your strategy;
Engage key partners and develop externally focused business plans;
Demand collaboration and a nimble development environment;
Acquire entrepreneurial leaders;
Insist that leaders “communicate, communicate, communicate.” and
Support the efforts of your departments and train employees.
To a full understanding of the pattern of digitization I recommend a deeper reading of this paper.
Joana Dias
Sources: Paul Mugge, Haroon Abbu, Timothy L. Michaelis, Alexander Kwiatkowski & Gerhard Gudergan (2020) Patterns of Digitization, Research-Technology Management, 63:2, 27-35, DOI: 10.1080/08956308.2020.1707003