What is Design?

What is Design? Probably we will be able to associate the word Design with Art or something artistic or perhaps with the design of objects and artifacts that we use in our daily lives such as furniture, appliances and logos. I would say that Design is a social science and that is why it distances itself from Art. Design has concrete objectives, proposes the discussion of problems and tends to the needs of consumers, in this sense, it moves away from Art, which refers to a more aesthetic and communicative manifestation through the use of different representation techniques. However, they are both creative processes and used to express ideas. The term Design originally derives from the Latin designare and was later adapted into English as design. In the English language the word design can be used as a noun as well as a verb. As a verb “to design something”, the process of developing a project, designing an object, environment, etc. As a noun, it refers not only to the finished product, for example: the chair design, the packaging design, the logo design, but also the result of a strategic process that is implemented by the designers in a project. The importance of Design in companies for the creation of innovation in products, services and brands has been growing slowly in Portugal. There is still a lot to be done, namely to improve the knowledge of the Portuguese about what Design can really do for them and their business. Fortunately, some companies in Portugal already have this understanding and use Design as a strategic and competitive tool in order to boost the growth of innovation within companies and markets. They are thus able to design products, services and brands that are increasingly adapted to market trends and meeting the growing needs of their consumers.

Sara Gancho

8 Jun 2021


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